Covid-19: Stories from the Quarantine

It is the smallest thing to ever cause such a global reaction: the Covid-19 Coronavirus. About 6 weeks ago, most countries enacted some form of quarantine or social distancing. The efforts seem to be paying off: the rate of new infections appears to be dropping. That being said, there are still almost 3.5 Million confirmed […]

The „Best“ News 26.04

„As sickness grows and doubt sets in, Economies crash and savings grow thin. But hope arises and science proclaims, The world will survive this darkest phase.” I. Corona: Current Information Between January and March, the threat of the Covid-19 Corona virus leapt worldwide from a distant worry to a global and intimate catastrophe. Media coverage […]

Vom Winde Vernäht

Wenn man durch Niederösterreich durchfährt gibt es vieles zu sehen: üppige Wälder, fruchtbare Felder, schon gepflegte Weingüter…. und Winzendorf. Mit einer Bevölkerung von knapp 2.000 Seelen scheint Winzendorf ein typisches Kleindorf zu sein. Der Zug hupt als er um die Ecke fährt um die Fußgänger zu warnen und ein kleiner Fluss murmelt zwischen der Hauptstraße […]

One-Way to Winzendorf

While travelling through the idyllic province of Lower Austria (Niederösterreich in the native tongue) one sees lush forests, fertile farmland, endless vineyards… and Winzendorf. With a population just shy of 2,000, Winzendorf is one of those “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” towns with one grocery store, two churches, and no petrol station. The train hoots when it comes around […]