Every week I publish a brief summary of the most interesting, relevant, and weird stories from around the world. Viewer discretion is advised.

  1. What You Need to Know About the 2020 US Election - It's the 3rd of November, and millions of Americans are lining up to vote in the midst of a global pandemic and escalating racial unrest. As with everything this year, the election has been foreshadowed by rising tensions, tribal partisanship, and a flood of misinformation. While the US political system is obtuse enough to confuse even the most informed citizen, it is even more bizarre for those on the outside looking in. Here's a brief overview of everything you need to know before the spectacle begins.
  2. The „Best“ News 26.04 - „As sickness grows and doubt sets in, Economies crash and savings grow thin. But hope arises and science proclaims, The world will survive this darkest phase.” I. Corona: Current Information Between January and March, the threat of the Covid-19 Corona virus leapt worldwide from a distant worry to a global and intimate catastrophe. Media coverage […]
  3. The “Best” News 21.11 - “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke 1. Close Encounters of the Cryogenic Kind When I was at school, I remember hearing a rumour that Walt Disney had frozen himself before his death and was waiting to be thawed out once society had advanced enough. Thus began my introduction to cryonics […]
  4. The “Best” News 16.11 - ” Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Coleridge 1. Swimming at San Marco‘s The City on Water has become the City under Water. The second-highest tide in history has left almost 70% of the city underwater.  Residents […]
  5. The “Best” News 9.11 - „To leave or stay, to fight or remain, The world stands on the brink, While Trump corrupts, Hong Kong erupts, The EU may finally shrink.“ The hiatus is over! The „Best“ News has returned for good. Before we begin following the breaking stories, I thought it might be worthwhile to review some of the most […]
  6. The “Best” News 7.09 - Rulers come and rulers go, Only by deeds will you be known. 1. Hong Kong Extradition-Bill After three months of brutal demonstrations, the protesters of Hong Kong have achieved their first goal: the complete withdrawal of the Extradition-Bill. This piece of legislature was the spark that set off a wave of dramatic protests against the […]
  7. The “Best” News 31.08 - 1. The Empire Strikes Back: England’s Attempt at Autocracy The first term of England’s new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has gotten off to a turbulent start. His D.U.D.E.  campaign is grinding along slowly and has encountered its first, and most difficult obstacle, the Brexit. Johnson repeatedly pushed for leaving the EU on the deadline on […]
  8. The “Best” News 24.08 - “He wants to buy, he wants to sell; But Denmark tells Trump to go to he….” 1. Greenland is Not For Sale How strange that the Prime Minister of Denmark has to explain to the President of the United States that its land is not for sale. And how typical that Donald Trump throws a […]
  9. The “Best” News 16.08 - Force meets force, an eye for an eye, Freedom and democracy is our cry. 1. Jeffrey Epstein Suicide Last week Saturday, American financier Jeffery Epstein was found dead in his cell. Almost a week later, we still know very little about the mysterious alleged suicide. Let’s recap: Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted sex offender who […]
  10. The “Best” News 09.08.2019 - A little sip of atomic power, Tasted under the cooling tower. 1. India Revokes Kashmir Autonomy For 70 years, the Indian territory of Jammu and Kashmir has enjoyed relative autonomy. In a shocking move, India’s Prime Minister Narenda Modi has decided to convert the region into “union territory”, effectively revoking its special status. If the […]